Elevation Boutiques has become one of the only places to get ColdCraft Effects Custom Shop pedals!
The Kiwi Fuzz, The Fiesta Fuzz, and The Fet Head are here and you won't find them anywhere else.

The limited edition FET Head was designed to be the ultimate pre-boost. The all-Mosfet design features elements of Treble Boosters, stationary/stuck wah and a gritty, fuzzy overdrive. This effect was specifically designed to come before dirty amps or overdrives to kick them into high gear with an extremely tunable and vocally articulate lead boost. The combined effect is a thicker, tighter distortion that cuts extremely well in a band setting.
The first stage of the FET Head is a Mosfet-based treble boost featuring a Range control. Range alters both the low frequency roll-off on the input, as well as the guitar signal input loading. This kind of control works extremely well whether driven by a buffered output, or directly from the guitar. The Gain knob controls the boost of the first stage. The 2nd stage features a Boot-strapped Mosfet gain stage driving a differential stage. This arrangement supplies the subtle, cocked wah vocal qualities as well as the overdrive/fuzz tone. Wrapped around this stage is the Presence control, a negative feedback treble control very similar to those used in vintage tube amps. The FET Head also features plenty of output power, tamed by the Volume control.

The first of Cold Craft's limited run Custom Shop effects is the Sweet Kiwi, a thick, modern Fuzz/Distortion with plenty of girth, bite and harmonic content to take your riff rock to the next level. Dead simple two-knob operation puts no-frills tone at your fingertips.
Based on cascading power amp designs, the Sweet Kiwi has all the thick fuzz and volume boost needed to stand out. 3 stages power the Kiwi, combining op amp clipping for musical sizzle and power amp stages for thick, juicy muscle. The fuzz control increases the input drive to the power stages. The combination is best described as a fuzzy, saturated amp.
Used as a standalone effect, it’s equally at home with clean, semi or dirty amps. You can also stack the Kiwi after your boosts, overdrives and other filter effects for even more over the top, singing lead tones, even those ratty, raspy, low gain fuzzes that we all love for our riff rock. The bass content is thick and strong, fitting for all sorts of power chords, riffs and leads.
The MOSFET big brother of the original Fiesta Fuzz, the Custom Shop MOSFET Fiesta is a hybrid Silicon/Mosfet design that stacks an additional gain stage in front for thick, over-saturated fuzz. The tone is very vocal, falling somewhere between a traditional Fuzz Face and that of a Tonebender. The Mosfet stage keeps the sound focused and tight without losing that unique saturated honk.
The MOSFET Fiesta has traditional Fuzz and Volume controls with enough saturation and volume to severely punish your amp. It also sports a "Smooth" control which tailors the input impedance to taste, this controls the softness and attack of the fuzz while also allowing proper operation when stacked after other effects. 9v DC Operation Only.
Look out for more custom shop ColdCraft pedals coming soon & exclusively found at Elevation Boutiques.
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